McNabb, T.O. Continue Lovers' Spat

Leitch|published: Fri Jun 03 2005 13:44
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A confession: We love the havoc that Terrell Owens is wreaking in Philadelphia. That team was getting too boring and too content; the only thing better would be if he had signed with New England. Besides, while T.O. was playing on a broken leg in the Super Bowl, Donovan McNabb was, almost literally, crapping his pants. We'd hold out for more money too, or at least hold out for McNabb to shave his head. (What is it with Philly sports stars and their hair? Jimmy Rollins looks like a balding Predator.)

Anyway, more sturm und drang from Eagles camp, as T.O. says he's gonna keep holding out and McNabb holding out hope that it will all work out, please. We won't know anything for sure until Owens shows up or doesn't at Eagles camp on August 1, but we're gonna have to hear about it pretty much every day until then, particularly when the NBA Finals end and Stephen A. Smith needs something new to scream about, dissolving us with his violent, terrifying stare.

McNabb Predicts T.O.'s Return [Philadelphia Inquirer]
