Jim Harbaugh plans to live in an RV while coaching the Chargers

Mackenzie Meaney|published: Fri Feb 02 2024 15:00
Jim Harbaugh source: AP

The new Los Angeles Chargers head coach wants to start the season livin’ in a van down by the river ocean.

Jim Harbaugh hosted his inaugural press conference Thursday night and revealed a unique plan for his first few months with his new team. The former Michigan coach revealed that he would be driving his RV to California and camping in it for a few months before he officially settles in and buys a house.

“I want to drive my RV out and go to a trailer park down by the water or by Disneyland, the two that I’ve researched that are close to the facility,” Harbaugh said. “I want to Jim Rockford it for the next couple months until we move to the new facility.

“I have that thought going through my head.”

Harbaugh also got the official sign-off from his wife, Sarah.

The down-to-earth lifestyle might be the change the Chargers need. Los Angeles is a cursed franchise, battling through untimely injuries, complete mismanagement of Justin Herbert, an aging roster, and just general misfortune over the 21st century.

Harbaugh, on the other hand, has brought football success with him pretty much wherever he goes. He immediately turned around a hapless Stanford team into a contender despite massive academic restrictions on recruiting. Harbaugh took a 49ers team that finished 6-10 the previous year to the NFC Conference Championship in his first outing, then went to the Super Bowl the following year. He capped that off with a slow build to a national championship in Michigan.

The Chargers nailed their head coaching hire, quirks and all. Hell, if living in an RV helps the Chargers turn it around, maybe he forgets the whole “buy a house” thing and kicks it in the van full-time.
