Trouble Brewing With The NHLPA?

Leitch|published: Tue Oct 18 2005 19:20
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A reader tips us off us off to some potential subterfuge brewing within the NHL Players Association:

Apparently, Colorado Avalanche player Trent Klatt has has started a Web site devoted to overthrowing the current NHLPA leadership and reopen the collective bargaining agreement that countless players have openly complained about. According to the site, he and the law firm he has hired have 60 players already signed up to fight the union.

The purpose of this website is to distribute information to all NHLPA members so that all members are informed of the illegal activity within their union and the steps which are being taken by over sixty (60) NHLPA members to secure legal counsel and put a stop to it. It is the mission of these players to educate all NHLPA members of this illegal activity, correct it and ensure that it can never happen again.

So stay tuned: There's still time for the NHL to self-destruct once again.

Trent Klatt [Official Site]
