Careful: Sports Leagues Are Stealing Your Money

Leitch|published: Wed Apr 12 2006 20:15
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Ever since we wrote about the troubles we've been having with, we've been flooded with emails from angry customers. Power to the people!

Our corporate brother over at Consumerist has been all over this story, detailing how impossible has made it to cancel your subscription to pretty much anything. (They ultimately found an easier way, but the point is the same.) In addition, Off Wing Opinion describes some corporate tomfoolery with the NHL's television package.

We're going on the road for about a month, later this week (we'll get into this more tomorrow), and we are hanging on to for that trip. And then we're gonna try to cancel it. We'll see how it works. This is what happens, by the way, when baseball isn't just on one channel, one day a week, like it used to be in the Costas-Kubek days. We miss our old radio.

I Love Baseball But Hate [Consumerist] TiVo, NHL Center Ice, And Why You Shouldn't Lie To A Customer [Off Wing Opinion]

(UPDATE: A reader writes: "I just wanted to let you know that I emailed Jim Gallagher ([email protected])and Bob Bowden ([email protected]) at about the trouble I had trying to get a refund for the off-season subscription for which I was billed after I cancelled. They both emailed back immediately and Mr. Gallagher called me to discuss. They were very nice and responsive, which makes you wonder why that attitude didn't trickle down to the rest of the customer support staff at
