That Nice, Warm Feeling On Your Feet

Leitch|published: Fri Jun 09 2006 17:15
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This story's a few days old, but we haven't covered it yet, and besides: It's a nice transition from the World Cup opener anyway.

Hockey blogger James Mirtle points us to a story involving New York Rangers rookie Ryan Hollweg. Apparently, says the New York Daily News, Hollweg urinated on some lady's feet over Memorial Day weekend.

The details, just to quote from them:

"I went up to him and started talking to him about the Rangers," says a 25-year-old female fan, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "Then I noticed something dripping on my feet and I thought he was spilling his drink. But then I realized he was urinating. Most beers aren't that warm." She added that Hollweg had been drinking, but up to that point had been a perfect gentleman and was "speaking coherently."

Considering hockey players, from what we can tell, are able to withstand unthinkable brutality and just smile and barely notice the pain, we just assume that none of them, in fact, have nerve endings. So he probably had no idea what he was doing.

Hollweg's Unfortunate Outing [James Mirtle] Leak To Press Is Bad Pee R. For Ranger [New York Daily News]
