This *&%$*% Rocks!

Rick Chandler|published: Tue Jun 20 2006 14:15
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We didn't believe it when we first heard it, so we checked in with Off Wing Opinion and, sure enough, they heard it too. The Hurricanes' Ray Whitney, as he raised the Stanley Cup Monday night: "This f*&%$*% rocks!" Yes, it does. Fine sentiments indeed on what at first looked like a Carolina sweep, that turned into a most worthy series, topped by a somewhat less than dramatic Game 7, which Carolina won 3-1 over Edmonton. But hey, we're just glad they decided to have hockey at all this year. Of course in our opinion, this was all preordained.

And on the sixth day, the Lord invented hockey, and saw that it was good. And there was much rejoicing. (By the way, concerning that statuette ... why no helmets? Seems a little irresponsible of the King of Kings). Some thoughts from blogdome:

• Speaking of Christ; with all the beards out on the ice in the Finals, how could Gillette have missed this opportunity? [ The Ice Block] • The case is made that Cam Ward should not have won the Conn Smythe Trophy. Don't tell Denis Leary. [ The Puck Stops Here] • Um, do Oilers fans know they lost? (Includes the self-proclaimed gayest photo ever on a hockey blog). [ Covered In Oil] • More Oilers fan bitterness; this time directed toward the Norse god Crom, naturally. [ Four Bad Men] • Of course, this blog correctly predicted the outcome of the Finals more than two weeks ago, and has the photo to prove it. [ Confessions Of A Hockey Fanatic] • Comparing Brind'Amour's kissing of the Stanley Cup to the smooching of Al and Tipper Gore. Hey, get a room! [ American Hockey Fan] • The only way to describe this day for a Hurricanes fans, of course, is with a quote from The Princess Bride. [ Sweet Tea, Barbeque and Bodychecks]

(UPDATE: SporTech Matter has the video.)
