Is This The Real Reason Pronger Wants Out?

Leitch|published: Thu Jun 29 2006 17:15

Edmonton Oilers defenseman Chris Pronger has said he wants to be traded out of Edmonton, and his agent has been quoted as saying, "There is a very pressing issue that would make it nearly impossible for the Prongers to remain in Edmonton." Many have speculated that Pronger's wife can't stand to live in Edmonton, but according to an email sent out by a TSN anchor, there could be another factor as well.

Well, the reason Pronger's wife wants to leave Edmonton is not b/c she hates the city or the people. Apparently Pronger got a female beat reporter who covers the oilers pregnant. This is why it would be difficult for the Pronger family to settle down in Edmonton.

Just rumor and innuendo at this point, of course, but it's worth noting that perhaps Mr. Pronger should have compared noted with Derek Lowe at the beginning of the season. That never works out well.

Do Puck Bunnies Have Litters? [Microbano]

(UPDATE: This has become such a big point of discussion in Edmonton that the discussion of it has been banned from the team's official site.)

(SECOND UPDATE: The woman alleged to be involved has released a statement denying that charge, and Microbano up there has pulled his post.)
