He Should Have At Least Gotten Some Vodka Out Of It

Leitch|published: Wed Jun 29 2005 15:51
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Patriots owner Robert Kraft was out doing what huge capitalists do this week: Meeting with leaders of other countries and gladhanding them enough so they'll give them some free shit down the line. Kraft shook hands with Russian president Vladimir Putin and, to show off, handed Putin his Patriots championship ring, the notoriously overstacked-with-diamonds one.

And Putin pocketed it.

No, really. Putin apparently believed the ring was a gift from Kraft and took it. The ring was then deposited in the Kremlin library. Kraft has yet to say how (or whether) he'll get the ring back, but ring's value is said to be "way above $15,000." Best part: Someone in the picture above blatantly stole something, and it wasn't Rupert Murdoch.

A Gem Of a Cultural Exchange [Boston Globe]
