NFL Stars Enjoy Playing With Themselves And Other NFL Stars

Leitch|published: Tue Jul 05 2005 15:02
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We are just more than a month away from the release of Madden 06, the EA Sports game that's slowly becoming just about as much fun as the actual NFL. At a release party for the game in Manhattan last week, various NFL players tried it out. Selected highlights:

Giants defensive lineman/promotional toothless wonder Michael Strahan, on Donovan McNabb: "I love the Hit Stick. I love hitting [Eagles quarterback] Donovan [McNabb], even in real life. It's just natural for me. Donovan just feels good in my arms ... and I mean that in a purely heterosexual way."

McNabb, on Strahan, presumably not referring to Strahan's marital woes: "You know what, the problem with him, he has an identity crisis. I'm not the one to gossip, but look how soft he looks over there. Buttery soft, pimpish looking shoes ..."

Jaguars quarterback Byron Leftwich, on how slow his Madden likeness is: "Great game, I just wish I was faster than our long snapper."

Madden Premiere Party [IGN] Madden 06 [Official Site]
