Just Asking ... Hypothetical ... No Offense Intended

Leitch|published: Wed Jul 20 2005 14:59
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We know we're not supposed to be suspicious of this. We know we're supposed to accept that agent Drew Rosenhaus, who has been a feature subject in every newspaper with a beat writer and seems to want to single handedly send the NFL into a labor war, we know we're supposed to believe every second of his "I saved a drowning boy" escapades yesterday afternoon. We mean, the cops even confirmed that Rosenhaus was "a hero." (The cop, who likely saw plenty of raised reporter eyebrows, made sure to point out, "no, it's legitimate, really.")

We are glad four-year-old Maurice Hill is alive and well. And we are glad the Orlando police department is so eager to credit one of the most loathed people in sport with such a deed. But ... still. Yankees' purse-snatcher Alex Rodriguez has a big series in Fenway Park in front of fans who won't to rip his limbs apart? Hey, look, he saves a kid from traffic! Rosenhaus currently the top strangulation fantasy for 95 percent of NFL employees? Hey, look, a drowning kid! We don't mean to be skeptical, or to insult the Orlando police department. We're just saying that of all the people in all of sports who could use some good publicity right now — and would potentially have the means to orchestrate it — Rosenhaus would have to be at the top of the list. But we're just saying.

Rosenhaus Saves Dying Boy [ESPN]
