Holyfield Eager To Be Pummeled Again

Leitch|published: Thu Dec 01 2005 15:15
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If you were thinking that "Dancing With The Stars" hoofer Evander Holyfield was actually retiring, like, seriously this time, well, you're wrong again. Holyfield, who is 43 years old, has said as soon as he gets out of his contract with Don King, he will continue his quixotic attempt to regain his championship crown. His contention with King is that he can't guarantee a purse of $500,000, a relatively piddly number that we think Tonya Harding might have gotten for her last fight.

Holyfield, who has had extreme difficulty trying to get a state boxing commission to license him to fight again, says he might leave King and try to fight in another country if King can't get him one at the appropriate price.

This is what has happened to Holyfield; he is making people side with Don King in the name of decency. It's one thing when Jerry Rice or Dennis Rodman hang on too long to their past athlete glories. But at least their jobs don't involve getting hit in the face.

Holyfield's Quest Remains On Ropes [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
