So, A Bit Of A Correction...

mjdeadspin|published: Sun Dec 18 2005 22:02
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This is the first correction I've had to post here. It's a little bit of a landmark for me, so I'm kind of proud, though it's probably best if it doesn't become a trend.

Anyway, Eddie over at the No Holds Barred boxing blog wrote in to correct me on the idea that Don King wants a rematch of the Ruiz/Valuev fight. To quote Eddie:

"'s one thing to be snarky; it's another to be inaccurate. The joke about the Ruiz-Valuev fight that "The crowd's boos are partially drowned out by Don King running around, screaming that there will be a rematch and yelling, 'CHA-CHING! CHA-CHING!' missed the point about the crux of what was corrupt here. King does NOT want a rematch, as he now has a nice piece of Valuev and thinks him more marketable than Ruiz, even though Ruiz got robbed of the decision."

So there you go... and with it comes an admission from me that I have not followed the Ruiz/Valuev/Don King love triangle as closely as I should have. I just don't understand the inner workings, and I feel terrible about it. Thanks for the heads-up.
