The Roundup: Avert Your Eyes from the Stock Market|published: Fri Oct 24 2008 13:00

Good morning Heather Graham! … funny photos … your obligatory Friday morning economic doom-and-gloom read … hey, thanks man! … we’re sure you have an opinion on this story … on this the 79th anniversary of Black Thursday, which is the day the official start of the Great Crash of ‘29, stock market trading was so bad overnight, it has been halted …

Saban owns Fulmer, but we’re still taking the Vols and the points. ( Birmingham News)

The Cavaliers are the best-run professional sports team in Cleveland, which may not be saying much. ( Cavaliers Corner)

Eddy Curry is in danger of completely falling out of the Knicks’ rotation. ( NY Post)

Saints’ cheerleaders vs. a London newspaper. ( Can’t Stop the Bleeding)

Plaschke takes aim at Favre. ( LA Times)

The NFL will not tolerate referee-bashing! ( USA Today)

Your SEC preseason player of the year: Tyler Smith of Tennessee. ( The H Log)

How good is Anderson Silva? ( Yahoo Sports)

A week ago, the Bobcats gave an extension to Adam Morrison. Was that so they could trade him? ( Docksquad Sports)

Looks like WFAN in New York has settled on Sal Fasano Joe Benigno to replace Mad Dog. ( Newsday)

NBA relationship to watch this year: George Karl and JR Smith. “I hated J.R.’s shot at the end of the game,” Karl said. “That was more of a me shot than a basketball shot.” Ahh, the preseason. ( Denver Nuggets 24/7)
